Monday, October 4, 2010

What is a girl to do?

So I'm all by my lonesome right now...Pat left for a conference in Atlanta yesterday and he'll be back on Wednesday night. I feel like I should breakout into the song, "All by Myself", while sipping wine, like at the beginning of "Bridget Jones' Diary"...but I will refrain. I really shouldn't be sad because compared to the last 4 years apart, it's nothing.

In the meantime, I'll take my mind off it by telling you about our latest adventures. On Friday night we had our friends Dennis and Sarah over, since they hadn't seen our new place yet. They are also newlyweds and were married just three days after us. After talking about cannolis in my previous post, I was craving them. So we decided to pick some up for dessert.

mmm....Cannolis on the left
Sarah gave me these beautiful flowers

Pat is being featured in a magazine for one of his chip designs, so on Saturday he needed to dress up and have his picture taken in the lab. Since he was dressed up and it was a beautiful day, I thought I would take some pictures of him around campus.

Isn't he handsome?
Later in the afternoon we decided to go check out a massive reservation park that we heard about. It's a short drive north of our place. It would be a great place to socialize a dog if we had one...they were everywhere. I kinda felt like an outcast because we don't have one. After we got there, the parking lot opened up to a large field that was pretty barren. We started walking and didn't understand what all the fuss was about. But we kept walking and I'm glad we did, because we stumbled upon some pretty fantastic walking trails. We walked down a trail that took us to one of the reservoirs. The way the sun was hitting the water was absolutely beautiful.

Here are some shots we took:

This was taken on the way to the reservation. I believe it was at Spot Pond, as shown on the map above

That evening we went to see the "Social Network". For a movie about Facebook, it was actually really good. I was pleasantly surprised!

Last night I thought it was a good opportunity to catch up on the first season of Fringe while Pat was out of town. It's another show that that he's got me hooked on. It's into the third season now, so I need to catch up quick. It's from the makers of it's addicting to say the least. Well, that just about sums up our weekend. Now to watch Gossip Girl :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Meikle bug.. I looobe your posts!!!
    You took some mighty fine pictures of smartypants!! What a lil cutie !~:)

    Hope you are having fun!! I love your blog! :)

    Miss you!
    P (just like Gossip girl..haha)
