Friday, September 24, 2010

Our New Life!

So here we are, all settled in Boston. Well, actually we are living in Medford, but it's in the Boston Metro area. We love our new place. It's a great size for the two of us. Our building is in a great location. We have access to a bunch of restaurants and shops, and most importantly we are a short 5 minute walk to the subway, or as they would say in Boston, "The T".

Here are some pictures of our new place...



This is right after we received our shipment from Edmonton. It was a bit overwhelming to say the least!


Our new wall art! Pat and I took the pictures ourselves. (Pat took most of them).

The summer has been pretty busy since we moved, which has mostly consisted of unpacking, organizing, and shopping for furniture (not as fun as you would first think!). We've made many trips to the local furniture stores, visiting and revisiting our options. We've traveled to Ikea and fought the crowds too many's so far out of the way it's basically a day trip. Going to Ikea on a rainy Sunday was the worst idea EVER! Pretty much everyone and their dog was there!

On a more fun note, our new favourite hobby has been photography! We've been obsessed with taking our digital SLR everywhere we go. Almost every weekend we go on a little photo shoot adventure. Here are some shots from our adventures:

Pat is currently borrowing a sweet Nikon with a massive lens from his photography class. So this weekend will most likely be filled with more photography! It's also his birthday on Saturday...the big 2-6!!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh Chelce!! Your place looks awesome! I can't wait to read all about your NEW life in Boston. SO happy you started this, looks like you're having a blast!
