Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ciao Italia

So I intended to post this the day I arrived in Italy. However, I was having internet problems and couldn't load any pictures because the connection was so slow. This post is mostly an account of my flight to Rome. I decided to post this as I originally wrote it on May 8, 2011.

So here it is - two weeks late:

Well I made it to Rome safe and sound! I'm in Italy for work and I'm actually staying in a hotel south of Rome in Castel Gandolfo for training. It feels like a retreat. The area is so beautiful and the hotel looks onto a gorgeous lake.

I was fortunate enough to fly business class, as work was sending me. I flew with British Airways and transferred in London. I've never flown business class before, but let me tell you for international flights it's amazing!!

First of all by flying business class I got to skip all the lines, which was great because Logan airport in Boston was busy when I left. I also had access to the British Airways exclusive lounges. They have free food and alcohol, as well as a much better place to sit and relax. Always a bonus!! I took advantage of these lounges before both flights and it definitely makes the flying experience that much's a whole other world!

Enjoying my breakfast at lounge in Heathrow
British Airways Club Lounge at Heathrow
I've never been so excited to fly then I was today. And if you know me, you know I HATE flying. My seat was somewhat of a "pod" if you will. It was so comfortable. It had a foot rest and it also turned into a bed. YES a bed!! I actually got some sleep on this flight. It was fantastic! My seat also came with a really nice pillow and blanket, not one of those crappy thin blankets that you sometimes get on flights. Oh yeah and they gave out socks too. They came in a little package with lotions, ear-plugs, a tooth brush, and an eye-mask.

My "pod"
To top off the amazing seat, I could have as much food and drinks as my heart desired. I started out with some champagne and of course I couldn't turn down a gin and tonic. My fav! The meals on board were pretty tasty too.

If I thought I hated flying before, I'm really going to hate it now. I've now been spoiled with flying with such ease; I'm not sure how I can go back to economy. Bahhhh....but I also don't have thousands of dollars kicking around either.

Ok so once I arrived in Rome I took at taxi to my hotel. My taxi driver got lost along the way; he thought I was staying somewhere in Rome. He then took an exit with a sign pointing to Rome and I immediately told him it was wrong. We got it straightened out in the end. He was such a nice man and very apologetic. I felt bad because he didn't really know what he was getting himself into. He normally only takes people to Rome itself, not outside Rome, and to top it off the traffic was really busy on the way to Castel Gandolfo. But I made it nonetheless!

The first night (Sunday) I arrived I went for dinner at a cute little restaurant in town and had some delicious gnocchi. mmm....
Now that I'm back from Italy,  I have so much to write about my trip. I just have to process some pictures first. We only have like 1000 of them :S

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

All Smiles

I'll be in Rome in 3 days! YIPPEE!!!!

....that is all